I am Robin
Sometimes I
hear people say, “I am Batman”. This
phrase refers to the famous cartoon crime fighter, who successfully defeats the
villain. So when someone says that they are Batman, they are echoing the traits
of such a person. They are saying that they are confident, strong, and in
control. Ultimately they feel that they will be successful. But Batman did not
do it alone; he had his sidekick. He needed someone who could assist him. He
needed Robin—the Boy Wonder.
Everyone it seems
wants to be the boss—the take-charge person who commands a certain presence and
who confidently controls whatever comes their way; who rescues distressed
“damsels” and vanquishes the villains. Batman is cool. He comes into a crisis situation and, calmly
takes charge. Results happen quickly.
Enter Robin!
Where Batman is strong and confident, Robin is unsure and full of doubt. Though
he willingly joins the “Caped Crusader” in fighting crime, he is always shocked
at what he sees waiting for Batman to take the lead. Robin does not rush in. Rather he follows,
gladly it seems. Not one to complain, Robin debates what needs to be done.
Though rarely
seeking the limelight, he is not without his own persona. Whenever something
that is out of the ordinary or startling, Robin yells in astonishment, “Holy
Whatever-the-thing-is”. Often these outbursts are humorous, though at other
times they are annoying. Nonetheless, they have become a trademark; a way to
identify that he is there—surprised, unsure, but ready nonetheless.
proclamations of surprise break the tension and allow Batman time to devise a
plan. Soon the “Dynamic Duo” are fighting evil together; each in their own way.
While Batman targets the main villain, Robin hones in on the leader’s assistants.
Less goal-oriented the more pragmatic Robin
does whatever needs to be done to achieve victory, even if that means handing his
partner the alphabet-soup decoder so Batman can interpret a message hidden in its
retains largely a supportive role, out of the limelight as Batman is the
leader. He is one who is credited with defeating the enemy. He is the one, who
asked Robin to use that soup decoder that allowed for the capture of the
Riddler. No wonder a lot of us proclaim in moments of triumph, that we are
At work
there are those who like to take charge, who wants to be seen as the go-to
person. Sometimes, though in their push towards leadership, these people forget
the contributions of their teammates. Bigheadedness can be a problem since they
want to do it alone. Yet, inevitably those who think that they are Batman, need
the aid of Robin.
I am Robin.
I have come to terms with that. Sure, there are times when I want to have more
input—when I feel put-upon, but this is also where I feel I am the most effective in a supporting role. Sure, I contribute. I am part of a team—a
vital part working in the background to ensure that everything runs smoothly,
as our task is completed.
Therefore I
should not have rancor at those are the leaders like Batman. True, they can become
bossy, and have a do-it-alone attitude. But I, and those like me, know better.
They are who they are, and we are who we are. Whereas Batman may need to have a
little more humility and patience, Robin may, need a little more pride and
assertiveness. Sometimes, we need to shout, to let them know that we are
here—with ideas, with resolve and with our own unique skills.
To all the
Robins of the world, I say, “Be yourself”. Though we are not Batman, we are not
less-than. Our contributions matter. The unique way that we see things, the
humanity that we possess; these are things that may not be easily
quantified. Though we may not be the
stuff of leaders, we are nonetheless vital to the success of the group. Besides,
who else can they turn to when, in the midst of fighting, a can of alphabet soup can hold the one clue
that will solve the problem and win the